How does Currency Score work?
Currency Score seamlessly and securely integrates with your Xero account in a single step, with one simple click. Utilising data that only involves foreign currency Bills, Invoices and Payments, we create your unique Currency Score against the industry benchmark using our algorithms. Just like a credit score.
Is Currency Score secure?
Absolutely. Currency Score is hosted on Salesforce’s Heroku, a platform trusted by some of the world’s best in class developers, and all data we gather is securely encrypted with HTTPS technology.
We also only use relevant data from your foreign currency Bills, Invoices and Payments that help us sync, track and score your foreign currency costs. We don’t use or have access to any other parts of your Xero account, including bank account details and payment methods. That’s for your eyes only.
A full list of the relevant Xero data we securely sync with can be found below.
Organisation Currency
Invoice ID
Invoice Status
Invoice Type
Invoice Date Due
Invoice Date
Invoice Total
Invoice Currency Code
Invoice Currency Rate
Invoice Amount Due
Invoice Amount Paid
Invoice Contact Name
Payment Payment Id
Payment Status
Payment Type
Payment Invoice ID
Payment Date
Payment Amount
Payment Currency Code
Payment Currency Rate
I’m an Accountant, can I integrate with Fluenccy on behalf of my clients?
Yes, Fluenccy is a free third-party Xero integration meaning there are no exchange of contracts or new purchases involved, which would require additional client sign-off.
Also, as you’ll already hold an Advisor or Standard User role, you’re able to recommend, connect and disconnect apps on behalf of your clients as per Xero T&Cs.
Is Personally Identifiable Information (PII) used?
The only non-numerical data Currency Score uses is the Invoice Issuer, which is usually the business name. No other details, such as individual contact names or addresses are pulled or accessed.
How much data is synced?
Your unique Currency Score takes into account your last 12 months of Payments. To make sure we capture the corresponding invoices though, we pull up to 24 months of data to match and reconcile the numbers accurately. (We understand those long overdue invoices, you see.)
How often is my Currency Score updated?
Your Currency Score is updated on a monthly basis, and you’ll be notified each time it refreshes. The integration between Xero and Currency score means data is securely synced everyday.